Inspired Stories
Honestly, we all need simple “living lessons” from time to time. The Well Beyond Food Project encompasses the practice of optimal living by going beyond the need to nourish just our physical bodies.
We are called to create experiences that connect people. This is the core vision for this project, using food as the vehicle, both literally and metaphorically. That is what gives us perspecitive and helps to nourish our “self” from the inside out.
Beyond the act of cooking and feeding people, our true passion and culinary expression is rooted in curiosity around what compels us, and what holds us back from living our best lives.
To contextualize this, we aspire to offer perspective through personal stories that support your own journey. We hope to illuminate opportunities for both growth and engage new paths to walk down.

Deep in the mire of my head, my inner-fat-kid and alter ego are currently duking it out. With my self-awareness as referee, it’s important to keep both in check which allows me to show up authentically. To me, this is true wellness.Ryan HutmacherWell Beyond Food Project Founder

All of our countless quirks, destructive behaviors and ever-shifting moods need a fertile landscape for self-assessment.
This is that place. There’s no judgement. Whether sappy, happy or even controversial, our evolution as people starts with stories that connect and offer perspective on how we can show up in our lives.
Like you, we’re on the hunt for self-care opportunities. Our struggles to “get out of our own way” are universal. We hope to help shed light on your path by entertaining tough questions, sharing realizations and of course leaning on experts for insight.
This is the whole point of The Well Beyond Food Project. Wellness is much more than a number on a scale or a clean bill of health at the doctor’s office.
Ya feel us? If so, let’s get to work.