The Well Beyond Food Project: Post #5

Life lesson as a first-time surfer in Costa Rica: Watch the Video Below

I just returned from a trip to Jaco, Costa Rica. Along with a group of lifelong friends, we ventured into all the beauty that its jungles, beaches, people and their food had to offer.

We quickly embraced the country’s motto of “Pura Vida!” which translates to pure life or the simple life… but more on this later.

Of all the adventures on my bucket list, learning to surf has always been near the top. And surf we did!

Capturing the essence of this amazing experience proved to be much more than “dropping into the barrel” or trying to “hand 10”.

I created this video to share this experience as newbies to the sport of surfing, but also as a reflection point that hopefully connects to how we all aspire to create meaning and experiences in our lives.

I invite you to watch. The first two minutes of this exciting video are contrasted by a deeper, yet humorous look into surfing as a metaphor beyond getting tubular.  

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